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Publications, Insights, & News

Memorial Day - Isaac Davis

Lexington and Concord. For many, they’re just names, now. Names out of a history book. But there’s a funny thing about history: When you look closer, new names start to appear. It’s like holding a magnifying glass over a photograph, seeing details leap at you where there were none before. The same is true for the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Look closer and other names will soon emerge. . .

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Helping People Thumbnail

Helping People

Let me ask you a couple of questions: If your doctor had just helped you recover from a difficult illness, and someone else you knew was experiencing the same symptoms, would you tell that person about your doctor?

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DWA Spring News Letter

Spring has sprung, and the first quarter of 2018 is officially in the books! This time of year, most of us looking forward to warmer weather, longer days, and backyard barbecues. Another hallmark of spring, baseball, is already underway.

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Cherry Blossoms

If you’re like most people, you have a personal “bucket list” of things you want to do during your life. I’d like to recommend adding another item to the list.

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