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Publications, Insights, & News

Protecting Your Parents

Nobody likes to think of their parents getting older and needing assistance, but it’s a reality many of us face. An important part of caring for your parents as they age is identifying and protecting them from elder financial abuse. Baby boomers and the Silent Generation are getting older and with their accumulated assets, they have a higher chance of being defrauded than those who are younger. According to one estimate, seniors collectively lose up to $30 billion a year to elder financial abuse.1 This abuse can come from total strangers, or even friends and family members...

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Here's How to Be an Effective Leader During Turbulent Times

When the pandemic started in March, few expected us to still be feeling the detrimental physical, mental and economic effects by November. While there are talks of a vaccine, it appears that we’ll still be seeing significant change and adjustment to our everyday lives as we move through 2021. In addition to COVID-19, there is political unrest, rioting, natural disasters around the world and an overall feeling of uneasiness...

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As Biden Secures the Presidency...

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will unseat current President Donald J. Trump in January, making him the 46th President of the United States. With a record-breaking voter turnout and a stressful week awaiting election results, most Americans are now turning their focus to what changes new leadership may bring. One area to review in light of Biden's victory is your estate plan, and specifically estate tax changes that could affect your family soon...

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A Silver Lining This Holiday Season

It’s already November, and that means that the holiday season is officially upon us. Right about now we’re usually gearing up to gather with loved ones, shop for gifts and travel to see family - making it a cheerful, but expensive, time of year...

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18 Bingeable Series to Watch This Fall

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we certainly didn’t expect to still be social distancing in the fall. But as summer has come to a close, millions of people around the world are continuing to spend more time inside. If your family's sticking close to home this season, here are some of 2020’s most bingeable series to stream...

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