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Publications, Insights, & News

6% of S&P 500 CEOs Are Women

Although more women are being seen in senior management positions, we still see significant disparities - for every company run by a woman, there are almost 13 run by a man. The latter number increases even more for women of color. Although women are no less qualified than men to run a business, they’re regularly held to higher standards. Here are some lessons in leadership we can all take away from women that have achieved and excelled in top leadership positions...

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Labor Day 2020

Labor Day is coming up! Normally, we’re used to celebrating it with parades, barbecues, and sometimes, fireworks. Unfortunately, for this Labor Day, we will have to go without the traditional celebrations. But I think I can speak for everyone when I say we deserve a holiday – even if we can’t observe it in the usual way. So, as we approach Labor Day, let us pause and reflect on the circumstances that make this year’s holiday unique...

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6 Common Financial Stress Triggers and How to Overcome Them

As companies continue to navigate the uncertainties that have come with the coronavirus pandemic and employees figure out their day-to-day routine, financial stress triggers are bound to occur. While feelings of stress and anxiety are certainly heightened amidst the current pandemic, feeling stressed about your finances isn’t anything new...

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Summer Market Update

Every year around this time, parents, grandparents, and guardians prepare for Back to School season. This year is no different – except how they prepare may be very different indeed. Due to the pandemic, parents now have some difficult choices to make. Do they send their children back to school? Do they choose online learning? Should they homeschool for a year? It’s a difficult question with no easy answer because there are so many factors to consider. How many cases are in the area? What options does the school actually provide? What is the child’s health like? What about the health of other family members? How do parents balance their child’s education, social needs, and health with their other responsibilities?

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10 Hidden Costs of Buying a Home

Buying a house is exciting - and stressful. When it comes to purchasing your new home, it’s important to be realistic about what you can expect to pay. Beyond mortgage and insurance, there are additional costs all new homeowners need to factor in to their buying budget. We’ve gathered up 10 hidden costs we believe every new homebuyer should be aware of when it comes to purchasing their next home. . .

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