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Publications, Insights, & News

Coronavirus Office Update

When the coronavirus first reached our shores, it was hard to imagine that life would change as much as it has. Sheltering in place, maintaining our social distance, flattening the curve – sometimes it feels like we’ve learned an entirely new language to describe this historic period. . .

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Prospects for a Swoosh-Shaped Recovery

The strongest 50-day rally in the S&P 500 Index in over 70 years has sent a signal that the economic recovery is gaining steam and may look more like a “V” than a “U,” a square root, checkmark, or swoosh. We assess the probabilities of these various scenarios for recovery and reiterate our 2020 economic growth forecasts. . .

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Fall 2020: The Uncertainty Surrounding College Enrollment

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our world, and there’s no answer for when we’ll be able to resume life as we knew it before. One major change in question is the future of universities and how students, especially incoming freshmen, can expect to receive higher education. This year, colleges across America transitioned to remote learning in early March, meaning many left campus for Spring Break and never returned. . .

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4 Areas of Your Estate Plan to Review in Light of COVID-19

Although COVID-19 related restrictions are beginning to ease, many people continue to help slow the spread by staying home and self-isolating. There are still unknowns related to the pandemic and how it will play out, undoubtedly keeping us all on edge. Over the past few months, we’ve been forced to face fears of falling ill, losing a job, spending time alone, etc. With these anxieties weighing on your mind, it may feel as though there’s a sudden need to get your affairs in order, just in case. . .

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The Medal of Honor

Ben Salomon was a dentist. He went to school, got his degree, and started his own dental practice at the tender age of 23. The most trying ordeal he was ever supposed to encounter was a mouth full of cavities or a particularly tricky root canal. But when his country called, he answered – serving as the dental officer for the 105 th Infantry Regiment of the U.S. Army...

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