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Publications, Insights, & News

How Long to Keep Financial Statements

Each month, you should be reconciling your checkbook to the statement that the bank sends you, or you get online. After you verify everything is correct, you should keep the monthly statements for one year. The exception to this is if there was a purchase made that relates to taxes, home improvements, a business expense, etc. In these cases, you will want to hold on to the statement permanently, or until you sell the house/business.

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The Hot Dog Club

When it comes to changing your community, most people probably think you need a lot of money, fame, or power. But when a colleague shared the following story with me, I learned something important. . .

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Tax Planning 2019

Tax season – the period between January and April 15, when most people file their taxes – is often a hectic time. But this year’s tax season is special. It’s been a little over a year since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect. As the largest overhaul of the tax code since 1986, the still-relatively-new law could have a major impact on your taxes, including your refund. For that reason, I thought it would be good to review what the law changed, as well as what you can do to minimize headaches as you file your taxes ahead of the April 15 deadline.

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Grand Canyon Birthday

The United States celebrates a very special birthday this month. No, I’m not referring to George Washington’s or Abraham Lincoln’s, important as those are. I’m referring to the 100-year anniversary of the Grand Canyon being named a national park.

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Words to Live By - Change

A major part of my job is helping people reach their financial goals in life. Over the course of my career, I’ve found that while things like planning, saving and investing are crucial, they’re not as important as qualities like perseverance, hard work, gratitude, and adaptability.

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