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Publications, Insights, & News

4th of July

Almost two-and-a-half centuries ago, fifty-six great Americans signed the Declaration of Independence. It was a document that would change the world, but after the Revolutionary War ended, it languished in relative obscurity for many years. In fact, to many, the Declaration was merely a simple letter that had served its purpose. A historical artifact and nothing more...

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Managing Risk During the Trade War

If someone were to put you in a room and force you to do nothing but read headlines and predictions, you’d probably get whiplash. That’s because there’s always so much conflicting information and analysis out there about what’s happening, or what’s going to happen. The result is a lot of uncertainty – and if there’s one thing the markets hate, it’s uncertainty.

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Go Fly a Kite

Ben had a hunch. One day, he set out to prove it. How glad we are that he ignored any detractors – how glad we are that he flew that kite that stormy June day! For in a flash of inspiration, Ben Franklin confirmed that indeed, lightning is electricity. . .

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New Tariffs 2019

After months of relative quiet, the trade war between the U.S. and China has erupted again in a big way. The markets are the most immediate casualty, with the Dow plunging over 600 points on Monday alone.1 In all likelihood, you’re probably more focused on things like spring cleaning, your upcoming summer plans, and the end of Game of Thrones. My job in this letter is to briefly explain what’s going on, what matters, what doesn’t, and why you can go back to focusing on those other things.

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A Tribute to All Mothers

This is a tribute for the mothers who sat in rocking chairs for hours on end soothing a crying baby. For all the mothers who ran carpools, made cookies, and sewed Halloween costumes. This is for the mothers whose priceless art collections were left hanging on their refrigerator doors. . .

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DWA Q1 Update

The Major League Baseball season is underway, the NCAA Men’s Basketball Division I Tournament and the Masters Tournament have just reached their exciting conclusions, which means spring is officially here and we’ve closed the books on the first quarter of 2019. . .

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