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Publications, Insights, & News

Looking for the Helpers

How are you? I hope this letter finds you safe and well. This is a scary and uncertain time for many people, a time unlike any most of us have ever experienced. Every day, we’re beset with new headlines and social media posts about the pandemic. While we know this will all end eventually, sometimes eventually can feel very far away...

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How to Support Local Businesses During a Pandemic

Social distancing is the main strategy being used across America to help prevent the virus from spreading. Events have been canceled, gatherings of large groups of people are prohibited, schools have temporarily closed or moved online and nonessential businesses are required to close, reduce their hours or minimize their offerings. Small and local businesses are likely to suffer greatly, but if communities are vigilant, there are several ways you can still support your favorite spots...

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As you know, the coronavirus pandemic has created both a health crisis and an economic crisis. As of this writing, there are over 160,000 known cases. By the time you read this, there will certainly be more– and that number does not reflect those who have been infected but not tested. The economic cost, meanwhile, has resulted in millions of Americans losing their jobs. Some economists at the Federal Reserve estimate the unemployment rate could rise as high as 32%!

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Quarterly Coronavirus Update

We hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well. Here at Gallagher Wealth Management, our job is to find financial solutions for you and our other clients. In other words, we want to do everything we can to reduce your financial stress so we can increase your financial wellbeing. But we also spend a lot of time worrying about your personal wellbeing – especially now, given the pandemic. So, we hope you are staying healthy, and that you can find pleasure in being with your family during these uncertain times...

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Road to Recovery Playbook Update

Stocks soared last week, working off historically oversold levels. Although the impact to our economy and American workers has been devastating, we did see some positive developments from monetary and fiscal stimulus, which could set up a powerful eventual economic rebound. This week, we share an update on our Road to Recovery Playbook, as we have seen more signs of a major low in equities. We have upgraded our equities recommendation to overweight from market weight where appropriate...

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