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Publications, Insights, & News

7 Podcasts to Help You Master Mindfulness

With the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives, it can feel like it’s getting harder to stop and enjoy the moment. Too often, we get caught up instead thinking about what’s next on our endless list of things to do. Sound familiar? It can be harder to find joy in everyday life - which is why it’s important to take a moment for yourself and practice mindfulness...

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COVID-19 Office Communication

The Governor of New Mexico has put a shelter in place for the state as of March 23 rd . Under the directive, we are considered an essential business and so we will remain open and in the office.

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Regrets We Won't Have

As you know, the coronavirus situation continues to hammer the markets. All over the world, investors large and small are facing a level of uncertainty we haven’t experienced in over a decade. But I’m proud to say that, based on the conversations I’ve had with you and my other clients, there may be no group of people in the world who are handling this situation better. Because we were already prepared for a downturn, and because we are now “playing defense” with our portfolios, my clients have all told me some variation of the same thing...

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COVID-19 Office Update

The world is filled with uncertainty and vulnerability. Due to COVID-19 we find ourselves in new territory and more aware of the fragility of life and vital need for meaningful communication. We have a choice in how we engage with this adversity and the future ahead. We chose to look at this situation with a mood of determination and resolution ready to face the challenges ahead...

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Oil War 2020

Coronavirus continues to dominate headlines. But now, there’s a new contender in the ring for what’s driving the markets – the Oil War between Saudi Arabia and Russia. What, exactly, are these two countries squabbling about, you ask? And why does it matter to markets over here?

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6 Experiential Birthday Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

According to the National Association of Productivity and Organizing, a surprising 79 percent of the population never use some of the gifts they receive each year.1 Whether it’s a birthday or around the holidays, the statistics show a majority of us have received gifts we didn’t want, don’t find useful or forget about quickly. Next time a dear friend or relative’s birthday approaches, you may want to consider taking an alternative route to your gift-giving strategy. We’re offering six experiential birthday ideas to help your loved one create lasting memories without taking up space...

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