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Publications, Insights, & News

Can Meal Delivery Services Fit Into Your Budget

So, you want your family to start eating healthier in the new year, but you’re not a huge fan of cooking? Or maybe cooking a full meal after a long day of work, errands and school activities is the absolute last thing that you want to do. Either way, there are plenty of convenient meal delivery options out there that can save you time, frustration and possibly even money. Read on to find out more about meal delivery subscription services and how you can properly budget them into your family’s allowance...

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Assessing the Coronavirus Outbreak

After a three-and-a-half-month, largely uninterrupted rally in stocks, the period of calm ended last week as the coronavirus outbreak led to a bout of volatility. Though it is difficult to predict when the virus will be contained and how many more lives might be lost, we provide some historical perspective on other major global health events to help assess potential market impacts...

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Yearly Recap

We have officially closed the book on the fourth quarter and with it calendar year 2019, which was the best year for US equities since 2013 as the S&P 500 (SPX) notched a price return of 28.88% for the year. With such a large gain last year, many investors may be wondering if the domestic equity market has any steam left or if we’re in store for a lackluster 2020. There is, of course, no way to be certain what the next year holds; however, it is worth noting that just looking at the calendar year return of the S&P may not give us the full picture...

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Assessing Geopolitical Risk

The United States’ airstrike January 3, 2020, near Baghdad, Iraq, that killed a top Iranian military general was a major escalation in Mideast tensions. Iran’s retaliatory strike January 8 sent a message, but additional responses can’t be ruled out. We discuss what this conflict might mean for stocks and assess ongoing risks...

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Lessons From the Past Decade

As we begin 2020, we’ve had a chance to reflect on what was an unprecedented decade for financial markets. The 2010s taught long-term investors two important lessons: to ignore short-term market noise and to be prepared for volatility. It was a curious time, but many investors who followed the basic principles of long-term investing and diversification ultimately triumphed...

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Clarity from the phase-one trade deal with China and United Kingdom election results could help shift stock market performance drivers more toward investing fundamentals in 2020. We expect stocks to appreciate in line with earnings growth next year, which justifies benchmark-like equity allocations in our view...

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