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Publications, Insights, & News

Burrito Boys

Happy Holidays! I recently came across a story that, to me, is a perfect example of what this season is really all about. I thought you might like to read it, too...

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Better Days Ahead For Bonds

2019 was a baffling year for bonds. The 10-year U.S. Treasury yield fell to a three-year low, and the yield curve flashed ominous signals about the economic outlook. We’ve seen some improvement in long-term yields since the September low, but we don’t expect much more upside in 2020. However, bonds can still play an important role in helping to diversify portfolios where appropriate.

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Have We Hit the Earnings Bottom?

While earnings declined year over year in the third quarter, results still exceeded expectations. Tariffs, ongoing policy uncertainty, and slower global growth have led to this earnings lull, but we remain optimistic that earnings growth bottomed last quarter and is poised to accelerate. . .

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What Shapes Us

Recently, I asked various people I know the following question: "What were you thankful for when you were five years old?" Here are a few of the responses I got...

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Recession Watch

Why would we write a report about recession with the S&P 500 at record highs? Consider it a check-up. Just because you feel good doesn’t mean you skip your annual physical at the doctor. We check in on some of our favorite leading indicators to see if any cracks are forming in the economic expansion and its accompanying bull market.

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A Tale of Two Economies

Consumer spending has powered the U.S. economy this year as businesses curb investments, waiting for trade and geopolitical uncertainty to fade. We expect that growth will likely slow next year as companies continue to sit out this part of the cycle; however, we expect a strong U.S. labor market and solid consumer spending to fend off a recessionary environment.

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